What about some clogs for the Spring?
I am sure you have heard about "clog(s)". If the name doesn't mean anything to you, maybe just a visual idea about those hard wooden shoes, that are so popular in Netherlands and neighbor countries, will make you to remember them.
I am quite skeptic of the comfortableness of some shoes (are they going to fit me, are they going to resist, aren't they too high, etc.) and these type were on top of my list of shoes that with a very little probability, I would ever wear. Just the idea of having some shoes with a wooden sole made me feel uncomfortable.
But. And always exists a but! When I saw these beautiful handmade creations (for me, they are just art pieces) I have changed my mind instantly. Look at them! The name behind this amazing work is Yvanka Linders, a lady from Netherlands, who brings some magic to her shoes, by adding colorful beads, buttons, sequins, pearls and swarovski crystal beads.

And those jars full of crafty beads, like some precious fruity jams. Mmmmm...
I already imagine myself in a pair of these beauties, along with some jeans tucked up a little bit over the ankles, with a cotton white tunic, walking in the sunny morning of an April day.
(screenshot images from www.yvankalinders.nl via Living & More magazine)
I am quite skeptic of the comfortableness of some shoes (are they going to fit me, are they going to resist, aren't they too high, etc.) and these type were on top of my list of shoes that with a very little probability, I would ever wear. Just the idea of having some shoes with a wooden sole made me feel uncomfortable.
But. And always exists a but! When I saw these beautiful handmade creations (for me, they are just art pieces) I have changed my mind instantly. Look at them! The name behind this amazing work is Yvanka Linders, a lady from Netherlands, who brings some magic to her shoes, by adding colorful beads, buttons, sequins, pearls and swarovski crystal beads.
And those jars full of crafty beads, like some precious fruity jams. Mmmmm...
I already imagine myself in a pair of these beauties, along with some jeans tucked up a little bit over the ankles, with a cotton white tunic, walking in the sunny morning of an April day.
(screenshot images from www.yvankalinders.nl via Living & More magazine)
3 commentarii
Hey! Buna, eu sunt Diana de la intalnirea cu bere, bio-bere si bere fiarta! Desi aveam adresele tale pe birou de muuult, abia acum am aruncat o privire: imi place mult stilul, al tau, al blogului, si al gentilor!!! Si ultima, cea cu floare, e superbaaa!!! hmm.. Should I have written in English?? Oh, well.. it's just me missing Romanian again.. So I expressed my appreciation to the writer and creator ;) Keep up the good work!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereCe draguti sunt papuceii:) Vreau si euuuu... A, si imi place mult look-ul blogului:) Te pup si spor!
RăspundețiȘtergereHey Teo, merci mult. Si am observat ca si tu te-ai mai jucat cu designul blogului tau :P F frumos, 'mai profi' cum s-ar spune. Sper ca te simti mai bine, de fapt din activitatea ta 'virtuala' se vede clar asta. Bravo!
RăspundețiȘtergereCat despre papucei, dap, si mie imi plac, desi cred ca e mai complicat de comandat de aici, dar... nimic nu este imposibil :)Sau poate cu o pereche de pantofi mai vechi, niste margele si ceva inspiratie, putem sa ne facem singure unii :P