Seeing Purple
It is snowing in Berlin and a white-gray, plain mood is outside, but my eyes are seeing a purple color. Actually a mixture of an early morning sunrise, lilac flowers and ripe plums.

Maybe this could sound a little bit like a "color obsession", but for my next bag project I am going to use the same color combination as I have used for my other bags. I recently added other two similar colors to my fabric stack, so this is going to be a looong adventure. You are welcome to come along :)

After a while, a pause from sewing, my fingers are happy again playing with the fabrics and threads. Maybe because they know that in few weeks the Spring is going to settle for a while on this side of the Earth.

The pattern is already sketched in my notebook, the sewing machine is switched on, my muses are somewhere flying around me and, of course, the music is draining off the speakers.
Here is what I am listening right now:
Let it snow and The Minnow and the Trout by A Fine Frenzy
Just so and Riverside by Obél
Low-tech lady and Happiness is a long discipline by Ana Laan
Wish you a good weekend!
(images by victoria molovata)
Maybe this could sound a little bit like a "color obsession", but for my next bag project I am going to use the same color combination as I have used for my other bags. I recently added other two similar colors to my fabric stack, so this is going to be a looong adventure. You are welcome to come along :)
After a while, a pause from sewing, my fingers are happy again playing with the fabrics and threads. Maybe because they know that in few weeks the Spring is going to settle for a while on this side of the Earth.
The pattern is already sketched in my notebook, the sewing machine is switched on, my muses are somewhere flying around me and, of course, the music is draining off the speakers.
Here is what I am listening right now:
Let it snow and The Minnow and the Trout by A Fine Frenzy
Just so and Riverside by Obél
Low-tech lady and Happiness is a long discipline by Ana Laan
Wish you a good weekend!
(images by victoria molovata)
4 commentarii
Imi plac florile. Mult. Ma gandesc la primavara...
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc Teo. Da, e primvara care se lasa asteptata si deocamdata sta ascunsa sub zapada iernii...
RăspundețiȘtergereOhhh! I'm listening to Fine Frenzy as I read your post. Martin was looking at your bags last night, too. We were talking about your little umbrella tag that you make for them - so cute!
Hey Katie, thank you. Hope you are enjoying all of the music pieces. Right now I am working on a new bag, so I hope Martin will visit my blog as soon as I finish it :)